Saturday, November 10, 2012

HDR Lighting

This is officially the first all-nighter for this year :)

Tonight I am going through the basics of HDR lighting. I have picked up a tutorial from DT and I am trying to finish it off. The acquisition that we have done for our project has some issues at the moment so it will be a while till I get the things the way I need them to light properly. It's good that we are having these issues now. It would be simply horrible to have these problems in March.
here is some output from my night.

Output without the lens shader

Output with the lens shader
Hopefully we will have a working version of the shot by Tuesday. Ciao...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pipeline for proof of concept test

Hi, I have to take yet another break form my dynamics work because our tutors for the project were not very happy with the story that we came up with. SO we have to change that now. Also, they wanted to see a proof of concept, so we just pulled out a few cameras and went into the town to shoot a bit of stuff and we are trying to integrate the assets that we have into the backplates. This is the pipeline we have for this mini-project.

We just have 3 days to do this, so this is going to be a lot of fun :)